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Saturday, 31 March 2007

To a grandfather with love

To a grandfather with love
Punam Khaira Sidhu

He was an immaculate dresser, this graduate Civil Engineer from Kings College, London. He lay now calm and serene, at the end of life’s journey, dressed in his favourite suit and tie. His silver beard was neatly tucked into place by his devoted grieving family. His wife Satwant, a doctor, who had nursed him tirelessly in his last days, his daughters Jyoti, Guddi and Nina, their husbands, his sons, KPS Gill and Birendar and their wives and his grandchildren who stood huddled close to the pyre unwilling as it were to let go of the man of steel who had formed the backbone of their family for almost a century. He was 94.

As a young girl preparing for the Civil Services exams I thought I knew all there was about the Punjab river waters dispute. But that was until I had a talk with R.S. Gill. In 1947, as an OSD, he had dealt with the claims of Punjab on Pakistan before the Arbitration Tribunal was set up. The depth of his knowledge, his insights into the politics of the dispute, was a talk I will never forget. It was also a valuable first lesson in the machinations of bureaucracy and politics.

His achievements were prodigious by any standards. He had served as Chairman of the Punjab and J&K State Electricity Boards. He had worked on the Bhakra Dam project, the Beas project for the Pong Dam, the Upper Sind hydel project and the Jhelum hydel project and finally the Ranjit Sagar Dam. He was a consultant with various engineering colleges, IITs and projects as far as Kuwait and Libya.

But above all he was a much loved and respected man both within his family and for those outside like us. After my grandfather passed away, Rachpal Singh Gill was to our family the only grandfather we knew.

If he had to be described in one word it would be the Punjabi word “Syana” and the English word “sterling”. In addition to being wise, he was mature and farsighted. Perhaps that is why whenever anyone had a problem, he or she, consulted him. And he always found time for everyone. He was a stickler for discipline adhering religiously to his schedule. The timing for his meals, his bath, his walk, was strictly implemented. The only other person in my acquaintance who is such a sticker for discipline is Khushwant Singh, another prodigiously talented man. R.S. Gill was also a keen chess player. He was a keen observer of human nature with an unfailing memory for names and details.

The last time we visited him in hospital was when his pacemaker needed a change. He returned from hospital to make a full recovery until the final accident. An almirah under fabrication sat balanced precariously. He was taking a look at it when if fell onto him. He was in pain — multiple fractures including one on the neck of the femur. So back to the PGI it was. For his family who nursed him so lovingly, it was painful to see him suffer.

Yesterday there was an official party. But we were committed to visiting him in hospital. We missed the party to visit him and spend time with him. He held my husband’s hand and told him that he had read about his organisation’s work which was doing a fine job. He remembered my sons’ names and enquired about each of them. When I told him that we would pray for him, he said, “a grandchild’s prayers are always answered but, child, I don’t have the strength to fight this time.” I have never dared hug him when he was well, but I asked if I could hug him there in the hospital bed. “Of course”, he said. So carefully avoiding the tubes and all, I did hug him.

The news came the next morning that he had passed away. At night we were grateful for those precious moments with him. Goodbye Gill Uncle, we’ll miss you. To the grieving family we can only say we all stand with you in your hour of grief for the wonderful man we have all loved and lost.

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